Johnson Meets
With Trump at Mar-a-Lago
When he gets too close his phone's
porn app alarm goes off and the visit
is cut short. |
Book: “Pampered”
King Charles Has His Shoelaces Ironed
Apparently too lazy to do it himself. |
Medieval Times Workers
End Strike After 9 Months
Without New Contract
Had hoped for health insurance, were
offered thicker shields. |
Ad Agency's
AI-Generated Woman Replaces
“Ego-Driven” Human Influencers
Not to mention wives and girlfriends. |
New Research Finds First
Evidence That Different
Groups of Apes Cooperate
If true, perhaps we could learn from them. |
Ecologists in
Mexico Work Frantically to Save
Endangered Axolotl
With help from crossword puzzle
enthusiasts, professional Scrabble
players. |
Trump Touts
Perfect Health by Releasing Doctor's Note
on Biden's 81st Birthday
Diagnosis that he's “the healthiest
person who ever walked on planet
Earth” raises eyebrows, however. |