Swedish Engineers
Design Female Crash Test Dummies
Based on Anita Ekberg, it's outselling
Swedish male crash test dummies two to one. |
Study: People Who Hit
Snooze and Sleep Later
Perform Better on Tests
Those test results can help them
get a new job after losing their
last one for being chronically late. |
Report: Richest Children
Score Highest on SAT Test,
Poorest Children Lowest
And yet both groups get identical,
high quality educations. |
Attorneys General for 42 States
Sue Meta for Addicting Children
to Facebook, Instagram
Claim children grow up, become
adults, and attorneys general. |
In 2003, the Human Genome Project
found that all humans share a
large percentage of their DNA and
that the notion of "race" is
meaningless. What percentage of
DNA do all humans share? |
A ) |
75% |
B ) |
80% |
C ) |
85% |
D ) |
99.9 % |
Hint: a mirror isn't as accurate. |
Charlottesville's Robert E. Lee
Statue Secretly Melted Down to
Create New, Less Controversial Statue
Alfred E. Neuman. |