Book: Trump
Clogged White House Toilets
With Documents
Ordered daily intelligence briefings
printed on softer paper. |
Increased Use of VR Headsets Blamed
for Spike in Household Damage Claims
Frightening fire-breathing dragons turn out
to be that chandelier you got at IKEA. |
Canadian Truck
Convoy Protest Blocks Border Crossing
Cuts off supply of Canadian imports like
maple syrup, Canadian bacon, comedy writers. |
Study: Lifting Weights for
Just 3 Seconds a Day Can
Improve Muscle Strength
Try using a grocery sack filled with
several gallons of ice cream. |
$10B James Webb
Telescope Sends Back First Image
General reaction: back to the drawing board. |
France: Modern
Humans Moved Into Cave One
Year After Neanderthals Abandoned It
History's earliest known case of gentrification. |
NASA: Mars
Rover Image of Reclining “Alien
Figure” Actually Just a Rock
But who put it there remains a mystery. |
Researchers Observe Chimps
Performing First Aid on
Themselves and Each Other
While other chimps spread misinformation. |