Einstein's Handwritten
Notes on Theory of Relativity
Sold at Auction for Over
$13 Million
Winning bidder later withdraws bid when
told theory never proven. |
As Drought Worsens, Cloud
Seeding Gains Adherents
There's also a small, but loud, lobby
for rain dancing. |
There's 1 Fight on a Commercial
Airliner Every 3 Days
If you're lucky you might catch one. |
Jury in Charlottesville Trial
Finds Neo-Nazi Marchers Liable
for Millions in Damages
But deadlocked on whether they
should be replaced by Jews. |
There are an estimated 857
million civilian-owned guns
throughout the world. How
many of those guns are in
Amercans' hands? |
A ) |
57 million. |
B ) |
85 million |
C ) |
117 million. |
D ) |
393 million. |
Hint: this should be easy, now hand over
all your cash. |
Collins Dictionary Word of
Year: “NFT” Beats Out “Cheugy,”
“Crypto,” “Metaverse”
Also, “Wha?” |
AI Robotic Poet Performs Work
Based on Dante's Divine Comedy
Then she takes a long drag on a Gauloises
and does a riff on Ginsberg's Howl. |