Original Apple-1 Computer
Sells at Auction for $500,000
To someone not into gaming. |
Expert: Metaverse Could Make
“Reality Disappear”
Putting a lot of people out of work. |
Anti-Drunk Driving Technology
Mandated in Infrastructure Bill
With $40 billion to establish a Designated
Driver Corps. |
Study: One Third of Couples
Argue Over Who is Greener
They also argue over whose carbon
footprint is smaller and which of them
emits the most methane. |
More Than Half of Americans
Think Their Life Worthy of a
Book Deal
And know exactly who should
play them when the international
best seller becomes a movie. |
What percentage of Americans
believes at least one
conspiracy theory? |
A ) |
10% |
B ) |
15% |
C ) |
20% |
D ) |
90% |
Hint: Ten percent refused to
answer, believing survey a sinister plot. |
Michael Flynn Calls for
One Religion in U.S.
And one political party. |
Hundreds Pose
Nude to Highlight Receding Red Sea
Meanwhile natives of Tuvalu put on
clothes to protest rising oceans. |