Prince Charles
Says His Aston Martin Runs on Wine
and Cheese Byproducts
“And the occasional Pimm's
Cup,” he adds. |
New Superman,
Son of Clark Kent and Lois
Lane, Comes Out as Bisexual
To not only their surprise, but
also DC Comics. |
Forbes: Trump Would Be Richer
Today Had He Just Invested His
Inheritance in S&P 500
And kept his mouth shut. |
Report: More
Than 100 Billionaires Hid
Money in Offshore Accounts
Many in treasure chests buried
deep under the sand. |
Sotomayor: Supreme Court
Changed After Study Found
Female Justices Get
Interrupted More
Now male justices “cough, or clear
their throat, or just roll their
eyes and whistle,” she says. |
Humans May Have Started
Smoking 9,000 Years Earlier
Than Previously Thought
But kept it hidden from their parents. |
Poop Fossils Reveal Austrians
Drank Beer, Ate Blue Cheese
2,700 Years Ago
Also, prehistoric vomit fossils
reveal they often overdid it. |
Study: Eating Highly Processed
Foods for a Month Can Lead to
Memory Loss
Most people can't remember what kind
of Pop-Tart they had for breakfast. |