Poll: 59% of Republicans
Say Believing Trump Won
Election Important Part
of Being Republican
Even if you know he got clobbered. |
More Listening to Podcasts
At 1.5x Speed
While driving 110 miles an hour. |
Amazon to Offer Workers
Free Bachelor's Degrees
They can choose between Philosophy
and Art History. |
McDonalds to Introduce
McPlant, Its Game-Changing
Plant-Based Burger
Ad campaign features Bart Simpson
saying “Don't have a cow.” |
Bezos Investing in Reverse
Aging Process
Hopes to someday be as young as his
girlfriend. |
Study: Human Infants
Laugh Like Chimps
No matter who you marry. |
Only a Tiny Fraction of
Our DNA is Uniquely Human
Proving evolution makes strange
bedfellows. |
Mercedes Readies Car That
Reads Driver's Mind
Pulls off road, calls cops if you
just think of driving off a cliff. |
Survey: 3 in 5 Americans
Think it Costs Too Much
To Live a Healthy Life
Salads cost a lot, and they never
come with fries, they complain. |
Coming Soon: Fish Made in a Lab
Clinical trials nearing completion at Wuhan Labs. |