"Telepresence" Robots
Making Virtual School Feel
More Like Real School
Catholic school models can slap misbehaving
students on the wrist with a ruler. |
Violent Video Games Blamed for
Mass Shootings More Often When
Shooter White
Shooter more often blamed when shooter
black. |
Study: Being Bad-Tempered, Pessimistic
Helps You Earn More, Live Longer,
Enjoy Healthier Marriage
Thousands of bad-tempered, pessimistic
people confirm what gloomy curmudgeons
have been saying for centuries. |
Report: Chocolate Bar Popularity
Mostly About Wrapper, Not Taste
If wrapper states “artisanal chocolate
from cocoa beans picked by well-paid
workers in a fair trade country,” you
put it back and buy a Mars Bar. |
What percentage of
A&E's viewership left after the
cable channel cancelled the
violent police show “Live PD”
following the George Floyd killing? |
A ) |
10% |
B ) |
15% |
C ) |
20% |
D ) |
50% |
Hint: now the only place
to see cops beat up black guys
is the local news. |
Pope Francis Urges
Believers Pray AI, Robots
“Always Serve Mankind”
But pray silently so their smart speaker
doesn't hear them. |
First Passengers
Travel in Virgin's Levitating Hyperloop
Pod System
Although they haven't been heard from
since, all other systems worked perfectly. |