Memphis Teen
Builds Working Nuclear Fusion
Reactor in His Home
He's drawn interest from as far away
as Iran, Russia, and North Korea. |
Oddsmaker: 2020 Election
“Most Bet-On Event in History”
Trump has bet $10 on himself, and
$10 million on Biden, to be safe. |
Study: Showing Empathy for
Unpopular or Immoral People
Yields More Scorn Than Praise
Even if you were simply admiring
Mr. Trump's tie. |
Trump Administration Imposes
New Limits on Federal
Action on Climate Change
It must be treated as a hoax or, at best,
a rumor. |
We Spend 2 Years Waiting in
Lines Over Our Lifetime
And another two years waiting on hold. |
In any given election,
what percentage of eligible voters
don't cast ballots? |
A ) | Between 10 and 15 percent. |
B ) | Between 15 and 20 percent. |
C ) | Between 20 and 25 percent; |
D ) | Between 35 and 60 percent. |
Hint: it's supposed to be a democracy,
you idiots! |
Report: Deepfake Technology
Creating Fake Human Beings
to Spread Misinformation
Replaces time-consuming process of
recruiting a bunch of gullible ignoramuses. |
Trump to Women
on Coronavirus Recovery: “We're Getting Your
Husbands Back to Work”
“And we're getting you back to your housework.” |