Trump Says
Women Like Him Because He Improved
Dishwasher Pressure
And kept Somali warlords out of their
neighborhood. |
Latest Borat
Film Features Trump Lawyer Rudy Giuliani
Playing himself. |
Trump Twitter Account Hacked
Before it's discovered, several minutes
go by without any retweets of
outrageous or outlandish conspiracy
theories, insults aimed at women or
minority groups, or threats to jail
his critics. |
No Santa Claus at Macy's
This Year Due to Pandemic
He's considered in most vulnerable
category. |
Elon Musk Vows to Build
“Internet Bridge” to Mars for
Space Colony of 1 Million People
And become their only internet access
provider within 40 million miles. |
Atomic Physicists Record
Shortest Measurement of
Time: Zeptoseconds
A zeptosecond is so brief it's shorter
than the news cycle. |
Spacecraft Lands on Asteroid, Scoops
Up Samples, Heads Back to Earth
When it returns it will scoop up
samples, return them to asteroid. |
Study: Up to 210,000 Lives
Could Have Been Saved With
More Robust Federal Response
But it would have been a job killer. |
Study: Virtual Therapy More Effective
Than Face-To-Face Meetings
As long as you have your own couch and
box of tissues. |