Trump: If Biden
Wins “Maybe I'll Have to Leave
the Country”
Like the Shah of Iran. |
Report: Trump Wanted to
Keep Hosting “The Apprentice”
From Oval Office
And so they let him. |
Study: Social Media Users
Struggle Distinguishing
Between Real, Fake News
But they know a deep state satanic
child sex ring when they see one. |
Facebook Will Now Ban
Holocaust Denial
After fact-checkers gave it four
Pinocchios. |
Wealth Held by Billionaires
Around World Rose to New
High of $10.2 Trillion
Although at least one of them exaggerates
his net worth, bigly. |
With Numerous State Initiatives,
Cannabis Industry Could Be Big
Winner on Election Day
Unless stoners too slammed to vote. |
Scientists Find 24 Planets
That May Be More Suitable
For Life Than Earth
From the way things are going here, there
will be more. |
Earth Breaks September
Heat Record, 2020 May Be
Hottest Year Ever
Public urged to “dress light,
mostly cottons.” |
Global Warming
Causing Rapid Disappearance of Arctic
Deniers shrug: “It isn't even a
continent, for Chrissake.” |
CDC Chief: Thanksgiving
Gatherings Could Send
Covid Cases Soaring
And homicides through the roof. |
Report: Insulin Prices
8 Times Higher in U.S.
Than 32 Other Nations
But nobody beats our doughnut
prices. |