Sales of Trump Tell-All
Books Soaring
Readers can't get enough, writers
can't tell enough. |
Pence: “To Know President
Trump is to Know Someone
Whose Word is His Bond”
“When he says he could shoot
someone in the middle of 5th Ave.
and not lose any votes, he means it.” |
Average American Spends
Over $11,000 on Toilet
Paper in a Lifetime
Most will tell you it's worth every
penny. |
Trump Has Tweeted an Average
Of 32 Times a Day in 2020
“More than any other president in the
history of the planet,” he tweets. |
QAnon is a
conspiracy theory that claims there's a
deep state run by Democrats who operate
a child sex slave ring beneath a D.C.
pizza parlor while someone named
“Q” helps Donald Trump prevent
them from taking over the world.
What percentage of Republicans
dismiss this conspiracy theory
as false? |
A ) |
99% |
B ) |
75% |
C ) |
50% |
D ) |
13% |
Hint: maybe they
didn't hear the part about the pizza parlor. |
Last week we erroneously identified
the above map as “U.S. colleges with
the most parties.” It should have
read “U.S. colleges with the most
coronavirus cases.” We regret the
error, although the two maps are
almost identical. |