Trump Claims Viral Photo
of His Tan Lines “Photoshopped”
Says whoever did it “deserves the gas chamber.” |
Apple Tops List of Most
Recognizable Logos in U.S.
Owners of iPhones stare at it every
waking moment. |
Commerce Sec. Ross:
Coronavirus Will Bring
Jobs Back to U.S.
Hospitals, funeral homes, florists
gear up for record earnings. |
McDonald's Debuts
Rice Burgers in Japan
Plant-based Inscrutable Burger could
come to U.S. sometime next Fall. |
Study: Babies Don't Hesitate
To Share Food, Help Others
It's only later they become Republicans. |
Trump Unveils
Space Force Logo
It will go on every uniform, hat,
mug, t-shirt and official Space
Force action figure. |
Study: Using Exaggerated
“Parentese,”or “Baby Talk,”
Conveys Total Engagement
With Baby
However, talking that way on a first
date is a total non-starter. |
Sound Alarm as Antarctica Logs
Record Temperature of Nearly 65°F
Another ominous sign: Fedders opens office
at South Pole. |