Report: In 90s, Studio Exec
Suggested Julia Roberts
Portray Harriet Tubman |
For current
biopic he suggested Tilda Swinton. |
Study: Average Millennial
Has Already Worked as Many
Jobs as Most 50-Year-Olds
But they'll never receive a gold watch. |
Food Delivery Now So Popular
That Some Restaurants Will
Pay You to Eat There
And don't be surprised if your waiter
gives you a tip. |
Black Friday (left): Sales Good
As Shoppers Fight Over Large
Screen TVs
Small Business Saturday (right): sales
good as shoppers fight over handmade
tea cozies. |
Study: Listening to Classical
Music at Work Boosts
Except John Cage. |
New Species of Leech With
3 Jaws, 59 Teeth Discovered
Outside Washington, DC
Wearing a MAGA hat. |
Black Hole
Discovered That's So Big It
Defies Explanation
Astronomers use hand gestures, facial
expressions and scary sound effects to
describe it. |
Study: Caffeine, Xanax Found
In “Pure” Blood Samples Used
For Transfusions
You can ask for either. |
Global Coal-Fired Electricity
Production to Drop Record
3% in 2019
EPA calls finding “disappointing.” |