Johnson, Macron Meet as
Brexit Deadline Nears
Talks get off to bad start when Johnson asks
Macron to shine his shoes. |
Sean Spicer Joins Cast of
“Dancing With the Stars”
After being turned down by “To Tell the Truth.” |
Trump Calls on Social Media
Platforms to Detect Potential
Mass Shooters
They do, and his name keeps popping up. |
Study: Investors Do Better
Picking Stocks at Random
Better still, keep your money in a mattress. |
CEO's Meet, Conclude Companies
Have Obligations to Society,
Not Just Shareholders
Once alcohol wears off they withdraw statement. |
Classic Quantum Theorem
May Prove There are Many
Parallel Universes
But we're No. 1! |
Scientists Reverse Ageing
Process in Rat Brain Cells
News spreads quickly in New York's subways. |
Tiny Tardigrades
May Have Survived Spacecraft Crashing on Moon
By the time man returns they could be the size
of a rhinoceros. |
Researchers Working on Pill
for Loneliness
Being touted on Wall Street as “the
next Tums.” |
Robotic Tail Will
Prevent People From Falling Down
And serve as a great conversation starter. |