Fully Automated Tea House
Opens in Japan
Robots replacing human customers “still
ten years out.” |
DOJ Reinstates Death Penalty,
to Proceed With Executions
“It's ratings magic,” says Trump. |
There are More Than 700,000 Podcasts
Each and every one worth listening to. |
Survey: 40% of American Adults
Regret Their Life Choices
And hope to get out of jail soon. |
Study: Cats Getting Fatter
While dogs watch their diets and exercise
to retain their youthful figures. |
Study: People More Likely to
Experiment With Drugs During
When there's more time to apply the
scientific method. |
What member of President Trump's inner
circle rents out 701 units in 13 decrepit
apartment buildings located in Baltimore
and was recently charged with over 200
serious code violations resulting in $7000
in fines? |
A ) | Melania Trump |
B ) | Donald Trump, Jr. |
C ) | Ivanka Trump |
D ) | Jared Kushner |
Hint: Baltimore County Exec: "We expect
all landlords to comply with the code
requirements that protect the health and
safety of their tenants, even if the landlord's
father-in-law is President of the United
States." |
Paris: Nudists
Complain Voyeurs Spoiling Their
Enjoyment of Park Created for Nudists
Voyeurs object, claim park created for voyeurs. |