Plane of the
Future Bigger, Faster, More Passenger-Friendly
Features IMAX theater, food courts,
bowling alley. |
Report: Protecting All U.S.
Coastal Communities From Floods Will Cost
$400 Billion by 2040
“Then forget it,” says Trump. |
Residents of Norwegian Island
Want to Banish Clocks, Release
Themselves From Constraints
of Time
And they want to do it, like, yesterday. |
Humans Have Made 8.3 Billion
Tons of Plastic Since 1950
“It's humbling,” says president
of American Association of Plastics
Manufacturers. |
Breakdancing to Debut at
2024 Paris Olympics
Assuming anyone still breakdances. |
Trump's Letter to Kim Jong-un Revealed |
Dear Kim, or maybe I should say Dear Jong
or Jong-un since you're all named Kim,
right? Anyway, thank you for the beautiful
birthday greetings. It meant a lot to me
and the American people who, because of
me, have grown to love you. We'll talk
about the other stuff when I see you. |
Sincerely, |
President Donald J. Trump (your pal) |
Developer of
DeepNude App That Can Remove
a Woman's Clothing From a Photo
Withdraws Product From Distribution
After being sued for $50 million by
the City of New York. |