Justice Ginsburg
Breaks Ribs in Fall at Supreme Court
According to Justice Kavanaugh, he was
“chatting with Justice Ginsburg”
when he “nudged her slightly”
just as Justice Gorsuch had dropped to his
hands and knees behind her “searching
for his contact lens” and she “took
a nasty tumble.” |
Sessions' Firing Sends Marijuana
Stocks Soaring
Whitaker's hiring boosts human growth hormone
stocks. |
Amazon Now Says it Will Split Its
Much-Desired New Headquarters
Between Two Cities
And staff both with workers from China. |
New Titanic
to Set Sail in 2022
Hopes to attract travelers who loved
movie, forgot what it was about. |
Find Hormone That Helps Regrow Frog Legs
Hailed as “monumental discovery”
by French chefs. |
New Theory:
Ramp Device Used to Build Egypt's Great Pyramid
Oh, and about ten thousand slaves. |
Cave Drawing
Discovered in Borneo Created
More Than 40,000 Years Ago
Art critics dismiss it as “crude, primitive.” |
Study: People Who Drink Their
Coffee Black Often Have Psychopathic
or Sadistic Traits
Those who add cream, sugar tend to be
fearful, paranoid. |