Finally, A Walking
This robotic wonder follows the sun all day long,
and at night scares away unwanted pests and
small children. Also great for growing pot in states
where it's illegal. $149, at Big Shop of Horrors. |
Facebook Aggressively Pushing
Facial Recognition Technology
To help Russian trolls reach potential Trump voters. |
China Bans Videos of People
Crinkling Paper, Eating Ice,
Other Displays of “Sensuality”
Critics point out, “If you outlaw eating
ice, only outlaws will eat ice, etc.” |
Former Driver Sues Trump
For More Than 3,000
Hours of Overtime
Most of it waiting outside Beverly Hills Hotel. |
What is this? |
“It is what it is.”
“I'll leave the political punditry
to others.”
“He has a style.”
“Lots of things to do.” |
A ) | Responses from Russians
when asked about Stalin. |
B ) | Responses from American
loyalists in the Colonies in 1776 when asked about King George. |
C ) | Responses from Republican
Senators to Trump attacking our European allies in Brussels. |
Hint: it's what you say when you're afraid of losing the House. |
UK: An Angry Trump Poses
For Photographers
Or is it a balloon? |