Report: Gary Cohn Faked Bad
Cellphone Reception to Hang Up on Trump
Then feigned coughing fit to avoid talking to Don, Jr. |
Koch Brothers Buy Time Inc.
Name themselves Men of the Year. |
Uber Plans Robot Fleet of Volvos
To chauffeur next generation of liberals. |
Trump Organization Cuts Ties
With Posh Trump Soho Hotel as
Brand Loses Its Luster
Only Trump supporters to walk into it either lost
or needed relief from heat. |
Nudist Restaurant
Opens in Paris
Great place to eat if you're in a hurry and realize
you forgot to get dressed. |
Strange Asteroid
From Another Solar System Passes Through Ours
Some speculate it's a huge piece of junk and we
should ignore it. |
Rock Carvings
Discovered in Saudi Desert Earliest
Depiction of a Dog on a Leash
And a dad walking him. |
Experts: No More
Sitting Behind Wheel in Traffic for Hours After Switch to
Self-Driving Cars
Instead, we'll be sitting in back seat for hours. |
Italian Doctor Reports First
Successful Head Transplant
on a Corpse
Acknowledges there's not a lot of demand. |