Photo of Tillerson's Afghanistan
Visit Doctored to Make it Seem Like
He's Meeting Openly in Kabul
And not in underground bunker beneath air base. |
Former President
George H.W. Bush Apologizes to Actress
for Groping Her
Says he can no longer tell an ass from an elbow. |
Amazon to Offer in-Home Delivery
When You’re Not There
And if you are there, please don't shoot. |
After Complaints,
Kellogg's to Replace Corn Pops Boxes Showing
Brown Corn Pop as Janitor
New box will depict brown corn pop as ex-president. |
Latest Data: 2 Trillion Galaxies
in Universe, Ten Times More Than
Previously Thought
More galaxies than there are “Star Trek” spinoffs. |
Google Earth
Reveals Mysterious Gates Built
Thousands of Years Ago in Saudi
Arabia's Desert
First seen by family that got lost using Google maps. |
Two Glaciers in Antarctica
Accelerate Toward Sea,
Threaten Catastrophic 4-Foot
Rise in Ocean Levels
Trump directs Army Corps of Engineers to develop
“really great plan” to protect Mar-a-Lago. |
A recent headline, “Senate Presses
Ahead on $36.5 Billion Disaster,” ought to have
been, “Senate Presses Ahead on $36.5 Billion
Disaster Relief Package.” We regret any
confusion this may have caused. |