Trump Says Renoir in
Trump Tower Genuine, Despite Art
Institute of Chicago's Proof to the Contrary
Experts also dispute Trump's claim Renoir painted it
“just for me.” |
Man Rescued in Pakistan Surprised
Trump President, Thought Taliban
Captors Joking
Says he's returning to Pakistan. |
46% of Republican Voters
Want War With North Korea
And they want it now. |
World Series Pits
Houston Astros vs. Los Angeles Dodgers
Each a sentimental favorite: Houston for
Hurricane Harvey, Los Angeles for Harvey
Weinstein. |
Russian Election Influence
Extended Beyond Facebook,
Twitter to Pokemon Go
Some players rewarded by finding nearest
polling place to earn valuable "Trumps." |
Trump Pledges $430,000
For Aides' Legal Fees
If their lawyers are smart, they'll collect
the fees up front. |
In Last Six Years, Space Between Your
Seat on a Commercial Jet and the Seat
In front of You Has Dropped from 35 to
31 Inches, If You’re Flying Spirit, It’s 28
Spirit caters to ascetics, anorexics, supermodels, breatharians. |
China's President Xi Applauded
After Three-and-a-Half Hour Speech
Applause lasts for another three-and-a-half hours. |