O.J. Granted Parole
He can resume hunt for wife's killer. |
Trump: “If I Knew Sessions
Was Going to Recuse Himself,
I Wouldn't Have Hired Him”
“If I knew Don Jr was going to be such
a jerk, I wouldn't have had kids.” |
Rising Temperatures Forcing
Airlines to Ground More Flights
Steamed passengers will fume, tempers will
flare, boil over. |
Amazon, Partnering With Sears,
Will Offer Kenmore Products
Now you can have faster, more reliable
delivery of appliances that don't work. |
White House
Celebrates “Made in America Week”
Highlights products made here, like baseball bats,
orange hair coloring, and tractors (not shown). |
Rep. Rohrabacher Asks
Slack-Jawed Scientist if There Once
Was a “Civilization on Mars”
Then asks if they came here “needing women.” |

Study: Earth Faces Biggest
Mass Extinction Since Dinosaurs
Only tardigrades, cockroaches and Koch
Brothers expected to survive. |
Many Americans Starting to
Question Trump's Mental Health
Many foreigners starting to question
American electorate's mental health. |
Report: Most of the 8.3 Billion
Metric Tons of Plastic Made Ends
Up in Landfills or the Ocean
So your metric ton of plastic won't make
much of a difference. |