White House Intrigue: Jared
Kushner Losing Influence to
Steve Bannon
Rex Tillerson losing influence to Ted
Nugent. |
Education Secretary
Betsy DeVos Main Investor in Neurocore,
Which Says It Can Modify
Behavior Through Brainwaves
It can cause a President to appoint a completely
unqualified person as Secretary of Education. |
Report: Trump Only Wants Pictures,
Charts for Intel Briefings
Followed by milk and cookies, afternoon nap. |
Belgium's King
Furious at Burger King Campaign “Vote For
the Real King”
Orders pretender (right) thrown in
prison, chained and flogged. |
United Arab Emirates Plans
City for 600,000 on Mars
By 2117
Built by migrant workers from Venus. |
Photos of Human
Faces Reassembled From Monkeys' Brain Signals
They're used to apprehend man who stole fruit from the zoo. |
Startup Claims to Reverse
Aging With Transfusions
Of Young Blood
Recommends blood change, 14-point inspection
every 3,000 miles. |
New Study: Pesticides on
Foods Can Cause Brain Damage
So take out a loan and buy organic. |
Trump Presidency Prompts
Many More to Try Yoga,
And daily electroshock treatments. |