Secretary of
State Rex Tillerson Says “Pre-Emptive
Strike” Against North Korea Not Ruled Out
“I'm not saying we wouldn't get our
hair mussed a little.” |
Revealed: White House
Intruder Roamed Grounds
For 17 Minutes
Had time to talk to Trump, whom he called
a “troubled person.” |
Uber Gets Okay to Use Self-
Driving Cars in California
“No more being raped by your Uber
driver,” says company spokesman. |
Not Immigration Main Threat to American Workers
Latest threat: cheaper foreign-made robots taking
American-made robots' jobs. |
Report: Great Barrier Reef
Dying Due to Global Warming
“Boo-hoo,” tweets Trump,
who has no property there. |
Good News: Hanging Gardens of
Babylon Discovered
Bad News: Iraqi government intends to use
it for hangings. |
Learns to Walk as it Walks
Learns sex same way, like everybody else. |
Study: Teenagers Replacing
Drugs With Smartphones
To wean them off addictive devices,
doctors give them drugs. |
Abuse Victim Resigns from Panel
Advising Pope About Abuse Scandal
Joins panel advising Pope about abuse
scandal panel. |