New Tostitos
Bag Doubles as Breathalyzer
Coming soon: M&Ms that can tell if
you're stoned. |
Mini Fire Extinguishers Inside
Lithium Batteries May Stop Blazes
At sign of fire, tiny hammer breaks glass,
sets off alarm, activates extinguisher. |
Milestone: Computer Defeats
Humans at Poker
Outdrinks them, too. |
Robot Barista
to Eventually Put Thousands Out of Work
In only industry still employing Americans. |
Boston Celtics
to Wear GE Logo on Jerseys Next Year
In honor of Boston-based international
conglomerate with long tradition of paying no
U.S. Taxes. |
According to the White
House, explaining the review of Dodd-Frank,
President Trump does not intend to put
unnecessary limits on economic
opportunity. Does this mean: |
A ) | He doesn't
want to limit Americans' opportunity to become rich. |
B ) | He doesn't
want to limit financial advisors' opportunity to
become rich at their clients' expense. |
C ) | He doesn't
want to limit the opportunity for himself and his
friends to become even richer at everybody else's
expense. |
Hint: you may choose both B) and C) |
In Study of
Twin Astronauts, Researchers Find Differences
With One Who Returned From Space
Or was it the other one, they weren't sure. |
Iran Bars U.S. Wrestling Team
From Upcoming International Meet
In retaliation, Trump orders nuclear attack. |