Amazon Patents
"Docking Stations" for Drones
They'd be placed on lampposts, church steeples,
wherever pigeons gather. |
New Color
Blue Discovered
During one researcher's vivid acid trip. |
NBA Moves Next Year's All-Star Game
From Charlotte Due to New Bathroom Law
Will return if state rescinds ban on transgender
people over 6' 8". |
1927: First Talkie Newsreel
Features Mussolini Telling Immigrants to “Make America
A young Frederick Trump saw it, liked what he heard, and
repeated it often. |
Donald Trump wants to bring manufacturing back to the U.S. However: |
A ) | He doesn’t want to pay more for anything. |
B ) | He doesn’t want you to pay less for what he’s selling. |
C ) | His clothing line (also Ivanka’s clothing line) is manufactured in China. |
Hint: that’s not entirely true: some of his shirts are made in Bangladesh. |
Philosopher of Religion: Infinite Universes
Leave No Room For a Creator
At least not one who works only six days a week. |
International Space Station
Gets Its First 3-D Printer
It will be used to create souvenir space station replicas for sale on Earth. |