Rupert Murdoch
to Marry Jerry Hall
Although, at 59, she might be a little old for him. |
2016 Oscar Nominees Gather
for Group Picture
Note: photographer was black. |
Good News: Women in Company
Leadership Linked to Stronger Profits
Bad news: because they're paid less. |
Plans Underway to Build
Mile-High Skyscraper in Japan
With Mile High Club, swank oxygen bar, on top floor. |
Quality Control Chief Steps
Down at VW
Company has no plans to replace him. |
Researchers: Our Genes
Determine if We're Going to
Be an Early Bird or a Night Owl
Likewise, a prick or a schmuck. |
Detection of Time-Bending
Gravitational Waves Vindicates Einstein
Scientists now plan to travel back in time and “tell
the old man he was right.” |
Study: Disparity in Life Spans of
Rich, Poor Growing, Not Shrinking
If you have to ask price of life-saving
meds, you can't afford them. |
Study: Whites Receive More
Emergency Room Pain
Treatment Than Minorities
Also less likely to be stopped by police,
shot on way home from ER. |