Envoy: North
Korea Has Developed Nuclear
Missiles and Is Prepared to Use
If anyone makes sequel to The Interview. |
Mexican Journalist Who Broke Story
About Pena Nieto's Conflict-of-Interest
Real Estate Scandal Fired
But so far still alive. |
Even if You're on Terror Watch
List You Can Buy a Gun
You might have to show your ID if you're
on Ten Most Wanted list. |
New York Places Microphones
In High-Crime Neighborhoods
In hopes of aiding crime investigations, discovering
new singing talent. |
Report: NSA Hid Spying Software in Hard
Drives Sold by All Major Brands
Which means it's probably monitoring
these very keystrokes and that's all we
have to say. |
Khamenei has just come out in support
of nuclear talks because: |
A ) | He wants to
flip a bird to Bibi. |
B ) | Studying the
Koran all the time is boring. |
C ) | They already
have five nuclear bombs. |
D ) | He really needed
to get out of the house. |
Hint: and he was going nuts watching
re-runs of “Three's Company.” |
NASA Scientist Warns California
Has Only One More Year of Water
Or two, if it's mixed with Scotch. |
Preschool for Adults
Opens in Brooklyn
With their parents looking on proudly. |