Steve Jobs Testifies in Deposition
Years After His Death
Defends Apple's business practices,
then introduces three
“amazing” new products. |
For First Time, Girl Scout
Cookies to Be Sold Online
Giving you an excuse to politely say
“no” when confronted by
the little brats. |
Holiday Sales Disappointing
Most shoppers waiting until items
they want discarded by rich people. |
Harvard Economist: Lefties
Earn Less Than Righties
Except in baseball. |
Warehouses Using Robots
Instead of Humans to Sort Packages
However, union talk among robots may
change all that. |
Disgraced and Broke, DNA Pioneer
James Watson Auctions Off
His Nobel Prize for $4.1 Million
Buyer will replace Watson's
name with his own. |
Uncover 2000-Year-Old Sculpture
Depicting Unknown Roman God
For now at least, he's the God of Archaeology. |
Pizza Hut Testing Menu That
Tracks Eye Movements to
Determine What You Want
“Subconscious Menu” can instantly
detect that you're craving a club sandwich,
onion rings and the waitress's ass. |
NHTSA Criticizes Chrysler for Not
Expanding Recalls of Cars With
Defective Passenger-Side Airbags
Company says passengers should ride in
back seat. |