VH1 Thrilled With
Ratings for “Dating Naked”
But will drop “Naked Biggest Loser” from
schedule. |
Metropolitan Opera Demanding Union
Accept Salary Cuts of 17%
Unions on picket lines singing Slaves'
Chorus from Verdi's Nabucco. |
Former Panama Dictator Noriega
Sues Activision Over His
Portrayal in “Black Ops 2”
Also sues Electric Arts over his portrayal
in “Daffy Dictators 4.” |
Maker of Botox to Cut 1,500 Jobs
News greeted with apparent indifference
by employees. |
Japanese Department Stores
Employing Robots at Sales Counters
They're polite, efficient, and have yet to
unionize. |
Fossils of
Butterfly-Headed Flying Reptiles
Discovered in Brazil
Will be cloned, bred, sold as pets. |
NASA: We'll Know We're Not Alone
in Universe Within 20 Years
Or we'll eat our hats. |
Hole in Siberia Finally Explained
After hundreds of former Putin adversaries
climb out of it and tell their story. |
In Tests, Tylenol Proves No More
Effective Than Placebos
Placebo sales soar. |
5000 Words Added to Scrabble Dictionary
Now, finally, you can beat the crap out of grandpa. |