Pope Francis's Popularity
Hasn't Led to Increased Membership
in Catholic Church
Just more likes on Facebook. |
18% of Web-Browsing Adults Have
Had Personal Information Stolen
Adults advised to avoid browsing web. |
Amazon to Pay Workers $5,000 to Quit
If they join Amazon Prime. |
Mattel Blames 1st Quarter Loss on Weak Sales
for Barbie
Especially Deeply Indebted Graduate Barbie. |
Fired Yahoo! Exec Receives $58
Million Severance Package After
Just 15 Months on Job
“Yahoo!” he exclaims, and
files for unemployment. |
Astronomers Spot Most
Earth-Like Planet Yet
It might actually be Earth if space telescope
got turned around accidentally. |
Cherry Tree Grown
From Pit Flown on Space Station Has Botanists
It matured in four years instead of ten and has
organized botanists into a disciplined unit
prepared to carry out its plan to colonize Earth. |
Study: Men Turn Grumpy at Age 70
They realize human interaction is
now limited to 140 characters and they
become morose. |
Percentage of Americans Skeptical
of The Bible Jumps to 19%
Same as for The Hobbit. |