In Wall Street
Journal Op-Ed, Billionaire Tom Perkins
Compares Anti-Rich Sentiment
to Kristallnacht
And Robert Reich to Adolph Hitler. |
New York City Settles Suit,
Ends Stop-and-Frisk
City safe again for minorities, ticklish. |
Report: 10% of U.S. Workforce
Work in Restaurants
Most between acting jobs. |
Sochi Olympics: Team USA
Opening Ceremony Outfits Unveiled
And they're made right here, from regifted Christmas sweaters. |
Lloyd's of London's says a solar storm,
now overdue, could wipe out electricity for 20 to 40 million
Americans for one to two years. But the good news is: |
A ) | It could be a welcome
opportunity to return to a simpler life. |
B ) | Generating electricity
on a treadmill for a couple of years will give you abs of steel. |
C ) | Something to ponder
when you’re tired of worrying about earthquakes, hurricanes, fires
and floods. |
Hint: or global warming, droughts, groundwater
poisoning and bioterrorism. |
Hundreds Sickened on Cruise Ship
CDC still trying to identify source of illness
on Royal Caribbean's Salmonella Islands Tour. |