Real-Time Map Tracks F-Bombs
On Twitter
Enough F-bombs to destroy civilized world
ten times over. |
IBM to Make “Watson”
Supercomputer Available to
Everyone on Web
If you're in an online poker game and a guy
named “Watson” bets, fold immediately. |
Colleges Now Check Applicants'
Use of Facebook, Twitter
Now, more than ever, not what you know;
who you know. |
UCLA Offers Athletic Scholarship to
14-Year-Old Pitcher
If he promises to learn long division. |
“Wind is a finite resource, and
harnessing it would slow the winds down which would cause
the temperature to go up.” Who said that? |
A ) | Farley Thompson,
a 2nd grader from Rutherford, New Jersey. |
B ) | Chistine
McNaughton, a 95-year-old nursing home resident in
Cheyenne, Wyoming. |
C ) | Clyde Shumaker,
currently holding the title for Lowest IQ in Akron, Ohio. |
D ) | Rep. Joe
Barton, (R-TX) House Author of the Energy Policy
Act of 2005, Chairman of the House-Senate Energy
Conference Committee. |
Hint: You just don’t get to be this
well-informed unless you study the subject for years. |