Seattle: 20th Annual Hempfest First
One Under Legalized Marijuana Laws
Most attendees unaware state had legalized marijuana. |
Twitter Being Studied as
Predictor of Future Events
Perhaps we could prevent tens of millions
of lame tweets. |
Due to Programming Error in 2008, NSA
Confused Country Code for Egypt, 20,
With Area Code for Washington, D.C., 202
Explaining why they accidentally eavesdropped
on entire U.S. government. |
Zuckerberg Hopes to Make Internet Available to
Everyone on Earth
Even those who don't want it. |
What’s the latest plan to protect
schoolchildren from crazed mass murderers armed
with military assault rifles? |
A ) | Secret
Service protection for all K-12 kids. |
B ) | Bullet-proof whiteboards. |
C ) | NRA-backed program to
arm all schoolchildren. |
D ) | Bill to require background
on purchases of assault rifles, limit availability of ammunition clips. |
Hint: bullet-proof whiteboards is a really innovative
idea! |
Viral Pic of Naked Breastfeeding
Yoga Mom Draws Sharp Criticism
From just about every group except babies. |