Survey: 1
in 3 New Jobs Going to Robots
Robots feel it should be higher. |
World Cup 2014: Brazil to
Offer Seats for Obese Fans
Will hire obese security guards to protect
obese fans from obese hooligans. |
Diners Sickened by $800 Meal at
“World's Best Restaurant”
Also complain of tiny portions. |
Steak 'N Shake's New
Seven Patty Burger Has More Than Half FDA Daily
Recommendation for Calories, Almost
Twice Daily Recommendation for Sodium
Comes with a free stent. |
What is “the virtuous circle”? |
A ) | A succession
of good deeds, each one inspiring the next. |
B ) | A vision of the
heavenly choir of angels singing God's praise. |
C ) | A parent's hope
that a child will pass virtuous lessons on to the next
generation. |
D ) | A chain of events
in which higher stock prices feed economic confidence,
which in turn feeds more market optimism and encourages
companies and investors to take more risk. |
Hint: is not virtue best illustrated by
higher stock prices? |
Indiana Megachurch in
Foreclosure After Pastor
Pays Himself Millions
Says he was just following orders from God. |