Oops: Fox
Sports Places Baghdad
in Iran
Corrects mistake, but continues to place Honolulu in Kenya. |
Romney Campaigns Against Wind Energy
in Iowa
Will roll out anti-rodeo strategy in Oklahoma. |
Knight Capital Gets $400 Million From
Consortium of Private Equity Firms,
After pledging to join Gamblers Anonymous. |
Papa John's
Pizza CEO Says Obamacare
Will Raise Price of Pizza by 14 Cents
“You can have lots of pepperoni or healthy
food-preparers; you can't have both.” |
Darwin’s Travels May Have Led to
Illness, Death
Stay home, if possible, indoors. |
Owners of Aggressive Dog
Breeds More Hostile
Study suggests they be leashed and muzzled. |
$2.5 Billion Mars
Rover Sends Back First Pictures From Red Planet
Due to high cost, it's NASA's first mission with
lucrative product placement deals. |
Buttered Popcorn Linked To
Based on interviews with people exiting
last three Adam Sandler movies. |
Retailers Walmart, CVS Pharmacies
Offering Health Clinics
For those who prefer seeing a grocer or drugstore
cashier about their medical problems. |