Charles Manson
Paroled Due to Prison Overcrowding
Space needed for those convicted of possessing
small amounts of marijuana. |
Tennessee Passes Law Encouraging Science
Teachers to Challenge Evolution in Class
And tell students that those who believe in
evolution end up in Hell. |
Ozzie Guillen, Manager of Miami’s Florida
Marlins, Says He Loves Fidel Castro
A pitcher who can hit. |
Beach Volleyball: Women Can Wear
Shorts Instead Of Bikinis at London Games
They just won't be seen in prime time. |
Ingredient in Coke, Pepsi, Beer,
Liquor, Cookies, Chocolate Can
Cause Cancer
If you know someone who has consumed any of
these foods, urge them to see a doctor at once. |
Which of the following did
Mitt Romney not say as he chatted amiably with
Sean Hannity before an interview on Fox News? |
A ) | That his
wife prefers Austrian Warmbloods, which are
“dressage” (pronounced “dress-a-a-ahge”) horses. |
B ) | He himself
prefers the smoother gait of his own Missouri Foxtrotter. |
C ) | He considers
himself an above-average yachtsman. |
Hint: Mitt is a rather modest fellow,
and would never brag about his skills as a helmsman. |
Deadly Car Crashes Jump
Six Percent on Tax Day
Fortunately you can deduct half the car's
value if you're not the guilty party and
survive the crash. |
New Canadian
Quarter Glows in Dark
Great for when you find yourself in Canada
at night and there's nothing to do. |