Jeb Bush
Enthusiastically Endorses Romney
After avoiding him like the plague for six months. |
“Hunger Games” Success Gives Hollywood Hope
If by “hope” you mean five more years of violence,
featuring good-looking teens forced into gladiatorial
death matches in dystopian future. |
MasterCard, Visa Warn Customers of
Security Breach
But if you have no credit cards, you’ve got
nothing to worry about. |
Apple CEO
Tours Foxconn Plant, Asks for Changes
Calls for shorter hours, higher pay, then flies to
Philippines to shop for cheaper factory. |
New Study: Billions of Habitable
Planets in Our Galaxy
Not billions and billions, as previously thought. |
Study: Teen Girls More Likely
To Be Using Electronic Devices
While Driving
Teen boys more likely to be using drugs. |
Navy Studying
How Troops Can Learn to Use Intuition, Develop
“Sixth Sense”
Like knowing, even before walking into the
recruiter's office, that you weren't
cut out for the Navy. |
Chocolate Good For You
According to studies that always appear right
before Easter, Halloween and Valentine's Day. |
Study: Those Who Spend a Lot of
Time Sitting 40% More Likely to
Die in the Next Three Years
So be polite and give your seat to that old lady. |