Santorum Pick Secret Service Code Names
Respectively: “Flipper” and “Fanatic.” |
Employers Expect to Hire 9.5% More
Graduates This Year Than Last
Do you want fries with that? |
Nissan Reviving Datsun Brand
Car enthusiasts have long desired return of loud,
underpowered, low-mileage death traps. |
Kraft Chooses Name “Mondelez”
for Its Snack Food Division
“Mondelez” means “artificial
ingredients” in Pashto. |
Obama Reveals
Choice to Lead World Bank
Believes Jim Yon Kim (right) will provide more
“shizzle” to staid institution. |
Experts: Half of World's 7000
Languages Will Disappear by
End of Century
But teenagers expected to create 3500 new
ones by then. |
Study Links
Facebook Activity to Narcissism
Based on interviews with 750 million narcissists. |
High Fructose Corn Syrup Producers
Apply to Change Name to Corn Syrup
“Sugar” was already taken. |
24 States Have “Stand
Your Ground” Laws
If you're ever in Florida, Georgia, South
Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky,
West Virginia, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin,
Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, South
Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Utah,
Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Arizona or New
Hampshire: don't wear a hoodie. |