Archie Character to Marry
In other comics news: Little
Lulu's in rehab; Dennis the
Menace gets a tongue stud; Sluggo
is now a woman. |
Study: Pot Smokers Less Obese
Than Non-Users
Willie Nelson named new spokesperson for
Jenny Craig. |
Ten Percent of All Search
Results for “Heidi Klum” Lead
to Malicious Sites
Experts say it's worth the risk. |
Massive Solar Storm Would
Kill Satellites For a Decade
Fortunately there are millions of public
phone booths, and there's always Western
Union. |
LA Times Sued for Not
Distributing Sunday Magazine to Poor
Paper didn't think they'd be interested in
“Best of LA,” similar features. |
What is this?
France, Italy, San
Marino, Andorra, Malta,
Singapore, Spain, Oman,
Austria, Japan, Norway,
Portugal, Monaco, Greece,
Iceland, Luxembourg,
Netherlands, United
Kingdom, Ireland,
Switzerland, Belgium,
Colombia, Sweden, Cyprus,
Germany, Saudi Arabia,
United Arab Emirates,
Israel, Morocco, Canada,
Finland, Australia,
Chile, Denmark, Dominica,
Costa Rica, United States
of America. |
A ) | A list of the
nicest places to take a
vacation, best-to-worst. |
B ) | A list of
countries according to
worst-to-best. |
C ) | Best places
to set up offshore tax
dodges. |
D ) | Ranking,
top-to-bottom, of
world’s best soccer
teams. |
E ) | The World
Health Organization
ranking of the
world’s health
systems, best-to-worst. |
Hint: But
we’re just ahead of
Slovenia, Cuba, and
Brunei. |