Royal Wedding
Invitations Go Out
If yours hasn't arrived
yet, complain to the
mailman. |
Indian Man Has 39 Wives, 94
And not one remembers his birthday. |
London Eatery to Serve Breast
Milk Ice Cream
Backers think Mum's could be the next
Starbucks. |
Gov’t Says 10% in U.S.
Lack Internet Connections Fast Enough for
Have no idea how hilarious kittens can
be. |
Internet Fraud Down in 2010
As reported in Nigerian Times. |
Chevron, Fined $9.5 Billion for
Causing Cancer in Ecuador,
Promises to Pay Immediately
Just as soon as their lawyers take a
look at it. |
Obama: Best Advice for Couples:
Laugh With Your Partner
Or at your partner. |
Cancer is responsible for
500,000 deaths per year
in the United States.
Which of the following
known carcinogenic
products are commonly
found in the home? |
A ) | Air
fresheners. |
B ) | Furniture
polishes. |
C ) | Chemicals
that linger in clothes that have been dry
cleaned. |
D ) | Pesticides
used for flea, tick, and lice control. |
E ) | Mold and
mildew cleaners. |
F ) | Carpet and
upholstery cleaners. |
G ) | Interior
house paint. |
H ) | Mothballs. |
Hint: At
least you don't have
mothballs. |
Edition of Monopoly Replaces
Dice, Cards, Money With Computer
When computer goes on the blink,
you can borrow actual dice,
cards, money from someone who
didn't fall for this. |