Art Historian Thinks Mona Lisa
Was Da Vinci's Male Apprentice
Also thinks Dame Edna is a woman. |
Striking Down Health Care
Reform, Florida Judge Warns
Of Government Requiring
Citizens to Eat Broccoli
House Republicans introduce Freedom From
Broccoli Act. |
Washington Leads Nation in
Most Congested Traffic
Due to influx of obstructionists. |
Harvard Study: College Not
for Everyone
If you can’t afford it, you can
clean house for someone who can. |
Airlines Urged to Consider
Adults-Only Flights
Kids would fly separately. |
Tests New Body Scanning System in
Las Vegas
With government- approved pasties. |
The Koch Brothers -- True or False |
Charles and David Koch own virtually all
of Koch Industries which includes oil refineries,
4,000 miles of pipeline, Brawny paper towels,
Dixie cups, Georgia-Pacific lumber, Stainmaster
carpet and Lycra. T or F |
In the U.S., the Koch Brothers combined
fortune of $35B is exceeded only by those of
Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. T or F |
In 1980 David Koch ran for Vice President
on the Libertarian Party ticket, with a platform that included ending
Social Security, minimum-wage laws, gun control,
and all personal and corporate income taxes. T or F |
Americans for Prosperity Foundation, started
by David Koch, has worked closely with the Tea
Party since its inception, providing money to
"educate," fund and organize Tea
Party protesters. T or F |
The Kochs provided the funds to launch the
Cato Institute, a think tank that advocates for
corporate tax cuts, reductions in social services,
and laissez-faire environmental policies. T or F |
Another think tank set up by the Kochs, the
Mercatus Center, promotes deregulation and has
opposed E.P.A. efforts to reduce air pollution,
even suggesting that smog helps prevent skin
cancer. T or F |
Koch Industries has been named as one of
the top ten air polluters in the U.S. T or F |
Charles Koch, in a newsletter sent to his
seventy thousand employees, compared the
Obama Administration to the regime of Venezuela's
Hugo Chavez. T or F |
Answers: All True -- sad, but true. |