& Jerry's Debuts
“HubbyHubby” Ice Cream
Häagen-Dazs comes out with own
version, “Hershey
Highway.” |
Study: Average Woman Can't
Keep Secret Longer Than 47 Hours
Findings based on comprehensive two-day
experiment. |
Study: Teen Birth Rates
Highest in
Most Religious States
Conclusion: Saying “Please, God,
don't let me be pregnant” doesn't work. |
8 Million Americans Consider
Suicide Each Year
Ask your death panel if suicide is right
for you. |
Washington Hosts Values
Voters Summit
Gathering of responsible, moral,
family-oriented Christians “killing
business,” says one merchant. |
“Even though from a
technical perspective (fuzzy math)
the recession (depression)
is very likely (hardly)
over at this point, it’s
still going to feel (hurt) like a
very weak economy (depression)
for some time (until early in
the 22nd Century) as many
people will still find that their
job security (spot on the
sidewalk) and their
employment status (supply of tin
cups) is not what they
wish it was (gone).” |
Ben Bernanke, Brookings
Institution, Sept. 15, 2009 |
Several NFL Players to Donate
Brains for Concussion Research
They'll get them back at end of season. |
Group to Supreme Court:
“Redskins” Demeaning to Native
And they should trade for a quarterback. |
Million-Dollar Scoreboard in
Cowboys' Billion-Dollar Stadium Too Low
Billionaires in million-dollar boxes
blame billionaire owner. |