Turning to Public
Transportation as Gas
Prices Soar
Many find it cheaper and,
in some cases, more
convenient. |
Man Dies After Ingesting Toad
Venom as Aphrodisiac
Ask your doctor if toad venom is right for you. |
GOP Goes Into Presidential Campaign
Holding Big Advantage
They have 300 tons of mud on hand, Dems only 100. |
Exotic Unstoppable Ants
Taking Over Houston
Pest control experts, horror movie
producers converge on area. |
San Francisco
Wax Museum Removes Wax
Likeness of Barry Bonds
Replaces it with Barry Bonds. |
Karl Rove will testify
before the House
Judiciary Committee: |
A ) |
after he has
carefully considered the
subpoena he just got from
them. |
B ) |
if he can
work it into his busy
schedule as a pundit. |
C ) |
when pigs fly
out of his ass. |
Hint: oink. |
proliferation of secret
presidential orders in
the Bush years is due to: |
A ) |
national security. |
B ) |
modesty. |
C ) |
discretion. |
D ) |
secret presidential
orders? |
Hint: if you don’t
know about them, they
don’t exist. |
Internet to Run Out of Addresses
Within 3 Years
For an explanation why, go to
www.internettorunoutofaddresseswithin3years.com. |