Camilla Won't Attend
Diana Memorial
She has a dentist appointment. |
Nicole Ritchie Goes to Jail
for 82 Minutes
Sentence reduced by eight minutes for good
behavior. |
TV: Fall Season Almost Here
Viewers can't wait to see dozens of new shows
before they're cancelled. |
Report: Almost Everything We
Eat, Wear or Use Comes From China
Exception: chopsticks. |
Microsoft to Launch Next-Generation
Operating System for Wireless Devices
Anxiously awaited by next generation of hackers. |
McDonald's Marks 40 Years of Big Macs
Plans memorial wall inscribed with names
of everyone who has died
from eating them. |
Astronomers Find Huge
One-Billion- Light-Year-Wide Hole in
White House blames Clinton. |
Deer Hunting May Be Dangerous
for Men Who Are Smokers or Overweight
Also for deer who are non-smokers and in
best of health. |
Out-of-Body Experience Induced in Lab
Also out-of-town experience, out-to-lunch experience. |
Obesity May Be Caused By
Virus, Vaccine Possible
Announcement made at McDonald’s. |
Study: People Underestimate
Ability to Survive Breakups
Most do recover, following brief stay
down at the end of Lonely Street, at
Heartbreak Hotel. |
Study: Reading Skills Of
Young Males
Improve More When Tutor Is Woman
Confirming Van Halen's “Hot for Teacher”
hypothesis. |