Shopping Autobiography to
Lukewarm Publishers
Book covers every major event in
his life up to but not including
Iraq. |
CBS Settles With Imus
He'll replace Katie Couric on evening
news. |
If He Runs, NBC Won't Air
“Law and Order” Episodes
Featuring Fred Thompson
ABC already stopped airing episodes of
“So You Think You Can Dance”
featuring Dennis Kucinich. |
Markets Make “Slight Correction”
Price of stocks too high, apples too low. |
KFC Opens 6000th U.S. Location
In Roswell, New Mexico. |
Pair of German Physicists
Claim to Have Broken Speed of Light
Now they're nowhere to be found. |
Scientists Discover Reason
for Contagious Yawning
Soccer. |
Modern Living Blamed for
Sharp Rise in Cancer
Follows sharp drop in being
devoured by predators. |
Poll: 94% of Americans Say
They're “Happy”
Same percentage say they're “on
tranquilizers.” |
Government Says Avandia
Should Stay on the Market
To lower risk of heart attack for GlaxoSmithKline
officers, stockholders. |
In our
story on the recent survey of
daily newspapers' published
corrections, we said that 98% of
all errors were corrected, when in fact 98% of all
errors went uncorrected. We
apologize for any confusion. |