Woody Allen to Make
New Film In Spain
Story of absurd romance between extremely
old, ugly man and gorgeous young woman. |
Japan, Reacting to Recent
American Movies, Changes Name of Iwo Jima
To Clint Eastwood's Iwo Jima. |
Media Criticized for Fixation
With Paris Hilton
And ignoring Lindsay Lohan. |
Possible Murdoch Purchase of
Wall Street Journal Worries Some
They're afraid he'll shift
arch-conservative organ's politics
ever-so-slightly to the right. |
Magazine Circulation
Continues to Plummet
But “niche”
publications (shown)
flourish. |
FTC: Whole Foods CEO Sought to
Eliminate Competition
“Whether it's organic herbs or humane
farming, we’ll rip their throats out,” he said. |
New Quantum Theory: Universe
Only Exists When We Observe It
Like light inside refrigerator. |
Researchers Find Earliest
Gunshot Victim in Western
Gun advocates point out
weapon was legally
purchased in Spain. |
In an
historical analysis of how
Americans defeated the militarily
superior British forces in the
Revolutionary War, we quoted an
expert at Georgetown University
as saying, "Their strength
is their mobility. They
don’t stand and fight."
In fact, he was referring to how
American forces are now being
defeated by local forces in Iraq. |