Post-Tsunami Companions
Decide to Call it Quits
End of friendship between tortoise,
hippo blamed on “irreconcilable
differences.” |
Study: Adding Weights to
Toys May Make Them More Fit
Recommended: Nerf Shot Put, Big-Boned
Barbie, Mr. Watermelon Head. |
Your Own News Story! Just fill in the blanks of this
Reusable News Template:
New evidence has surfaced
that _______, executed
for the murder of ______
in ____, was innocent of
the crime. According to
_____ and _____, the real
killer was _____, who
died in ______. Evidence
that the wrongly executed
man was __ miles away at
the time of the murder
was ignored by police and
not presented at trial.
____, an eyewitness who
identified the real
murderer was not called
to testify, and other
exculpatory evidence
including ____ and ____
was either lost or
suppressed. _____, a
court appointed attorney
who represented the
wrongly executed man and
who died of alcohol
related causes in ____,
slept through most of the
trial. "We still
believe we got the right
guy," said _____,
who prosecuted the case. |
Since 2000, lawmakers
took 23,000 privately
funded trips worth $50
million, often paid for
by groups with
legislation before
Congress. Typically these
trips were to: |
A ) | Third
world sweatshops where
lawmakers could evaluate
the problems of poverty. |
B ) | Environmentally
devastated areas where
lawmakers could probe
illegal logging and
mining operations. |
C ) | War
zones where lawmakers
could investigate war
profiteering, corruption
and the misuse of public
funds. |
D ) | Golf,
beach and ski resorts
where lawmakers could
study four star
restaurants, luxury
hotels. |
E ) | Mars. |
| Hint: It ain't Mars.
Try another answer. |
Study: One in Four Americans
Has No Close Confidant
Except for Oprah Winfrey. |
Doping Scandal Interrupted Again
By Tour de France. |