Iran's Announcement That
It Has Enriched Uranium
Headed for Broadway |
Combining music, dance, a little comedy
and capsules of uranium hexafluoride,
“it's got it all,” says one
investor. |
Winnie The Pooh Gets
Star on Hollywood Blvd.
In emotional speech, thanks lawyers,
takes swipe at Michael Eisner. |
TV: Fox News Pundits Debate
Bush Legacy, Disagree on
Greatest Achievement
One argues it's his “popular
Medicare drug program,” another his
“bringing democracy to the Middle
East,” yet another insists it's his
“brilliant stewardship of the
nation's economy.” |
Government Subcontractors
Using Illegal Immigrants at
Construction Sites
Government will arrest, prosecute itself for
felony under new law. |
Restaurant Offers $150
Pharmacy next door will
sell you $30 roll of
Tums. |
Researchers Find Genetic
Connection to Obesity
Random DNA samples taken at three
different Krispy Kreme outlets confirm
link. |
Champion Horse Sires Five
Identical Clones
Breeder will now turn attention to jockeys. |
Ancient Fossils Found in Ethiopia
Fill Gap in Early Human Evolution
Between Creationism and Intelligent
Design. |
Genetic Engineering
Reaping Results
In Kansas, farmers
raise world's largest
chicken (not shown). |
mistakenly reported that the
Democratic party was running ads
on Spanish-language radio in
Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico
blaming Republicans for the
punitive Immigration Bill written
by Republicans, opposed by
Democrats and passed by the
Republican-controlled House. In
fact, it is the Republican party
which is running ads blaming
Democrats for the punitive
Immigration Bill written by
Republicans, opposed by Democrats
and passed by the
Republican-controlled House. We
regret any confusion caused by
our error. |